Sunday, 1 November 2009

well its been a while

i have been meaning to write in this for a while but been busy working and painting and uni work n just kept slipping my mind but o well

so over the last week i have been trying to collect some recipies from different people and put them in my sketch book and try and find out what they liked about the food that was made. i like the idea of the feelings and memories that go with food and cook books.

my nanas cook book i love it

my mums old cook book i used a lot when i was home

Monday, 23 March 2009

lino prints

woooo final done some lino prints that can be cleaned and used without the worry of breaking them. i got the new lino from fred aldous and its really helped. people who have seen it think they look really old like from the 50's so will try and look into this and also into mail arts use of rubber stamps to decorate there work.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

not good

well wrist still isnt good and had to get a different brace for it, which feels a bit better but it is still twinging... i dont think this could have come at a worse time!!! not been able to do much today at all did a bit of essay work but it hurts to type for to long as i have to tense my arms and back to let my arms hover over the keyboard.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

treasure hunt

well saw Geetha to day for help with my essay its almost done but finding the formality of essay writing ridiculous u cant even write don't u have to write do not! anyway i have managed to choose where all the treasure hunt clues are going for the year ones to do and how it will be done. there will be 3 groups one will do the puzzle with the others do a make and do session then the second group will go and he first will go into a different room as not to tell the other groups where everything is.
while making this for the kids i had to take into consideration where they will be at any given situation that they will always be in sight of a teacher, that they will under stand what they have to do and do not disrupt other class rooms when they are taking part.
there are 7 clues that they will have to un code to get their prize (which is going to be some pencil crayons and a colouring in book as the school is part of the healthy eating scheme so no sweets). I will be there to help out as it is going on recording what they are doing and taking photos. at the end of it i will see what they liked about the alphabet and get them to design there own possibly or if not in yr one then in a different year during that week. this information can then be used to update or create a new alphabet.

Monday, 16 March 2009

pic alphabet

here is my finished pic alphabet i have been using to create my stamps and also the treasure hunt

Sunday, 15 March 2009

pic alphabet

well it has definately been a while since i wrote on here so the up date on the project is:
i decided to go back to the picture alphabet and create lino cuts of them (or a simple stamp) so i could write my quote "art is never finished" (i shortened it because the stamps are pretty big and have to use really large sheets of paper to do them fully).
i did have some issues when making the lino cuts as some on the images i wanted to use looked good drawn but are very hard to cut in the lino i had so i changed some things around so its easier for me. i love the fact that the prints are never perfect when done and how unique they are.
I spoke to jon and he really likes the prints and wants me to push it further so i am looking and some other quite dark quotes that contradict the warm and friendly characters in my alphabet. then i am going to print them large on different back grounds to find what is really effective then see how that goes. While i am doing this i am making (hopefully) a charm bracelet with are is never finished. just need to make the models then cast them in pewter. but having trouble making the models so will do some flat and some half 3d i think, so it will help the process of making them.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Well not writen for a while been really busy doing stuff for primrose hill, working getting my assesment for lap top and going to uni with a side order of being ill... Still but o well
Today we had a talk from andy sykes it was really good best talk yet as it was interactive ie the colouring sheets on the Walls and he was really nice and offered help with animations if ever we need it and invited us to everything he does. His animations about his childhood are rather amusing and the simplisity is brill. I wish I could do it but just don't think I would be able to just just maybe start off with a stop start animation.
Also final got some lino and a cutter to make my pic alphabet stampers should b good when done just takes soooo long to cut each one good enough to use but I'm sure I'll get there in the next day or two

Monday, 2 February 2009


well had a big talk with jon n need to do more really, idea wise not just materials and processes.
going to do some of the things we talked about like the abandoned art stuff which i have printed 111 on car ticket things and going to do some in the letter press room and take photos to document were they were left (andy Goldsworth style) text in signs
look more at artists and type up all my journal things joy?? o well do it while at work at the weekends i guess also do artist research and create a section just for that and then thoughts progressions conflicts conclusion and solutions of problems as i go along and i have pretty much been band from using the word BUT

create a book of the ABANDNDRT
create a mock up of textures and materials that can be typed of for my book
things that can be integrated into society ie phrase under a name plack, cigaret look at the wall of photos
ppl in my group think i could do small projects to get ideas for my main one such as the mail art project i have been thinking of doing.

we shall see... we shall see

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Primrose hill and lettering

well pretty much done the wall design just need to put it on a transparency ready to project on the wall then add more or move things around if need be.

also i am teaching once or twice a week at the school as a volunteer for arts and crafts. i have already taught a pottery class this tuesday im teaching yr 3 and thursday im teaching yr 5/6 again

I have projected the image on the wall in school it looks good and going to draw it on tomorro evening while they are in the staff meeting so that should be good then i can assess if any more characters need to be added or re sized will get pictures as i go along

Monday, 12 January 2009

primrose hill

done some more work on this project and here is what i have done:

this is a revision of a few ideas that call came about from an intitial one i did (i would show it on here but its a bit rushed but o well). i feel this has a good balance and feel to it i may still add a few more characters and move some around too. this will be shown in the staff meeting tomorro so i will be gettin some feed back tomorro on what they think which is always a good thing =)

Also i am teaching yr 5/6 a pottery class on wednesday on how to make slab pots and coil pots for in the main entrance of the school. should be fun =).

Sunday, 11 January 2009

text work

Just realised that i havent published any images of some of the stuff i have been doing in my typeography project.

these have been done in photoshop using the quote i have chosen to go with. i introducted colour n different layouts however some peolpe find it hard to read.

This next one i did at a friends party using bow ties and top hat confeti and i have brought all the pieces back with me to re make in my book.

Saturday, 10 January 2009


Well ive been quite busy over the new year sorting out projects and gathering some research. i got a couple of typography books and one of them had a cd with all the font styles in ... its really useful but spent so long trying to organise them but o well its the way it is i guess. the other book has different layouts in and styles.

However i have been doing an external project as well. i have been asked by primrose hill primary school to design a meral for outside the library that will be painted by bupa helth care people. it has to be easy for them to paint ie paint by numbers then i will go in at a later go n paint all the detail into. i have been asked to inclued ethinicly diverce images from the books that the children read in all years. I have been to the student council of the school and they like the initial design and have given there input about what characters they would like to see in the piece also where the schools logo will go n how it will be displayed.

The next issue is if the painting will be straight onto the wall in the school or if it will be on a large pin board which would be preferable because some of the other ideas that have been put forward by members of staff.
Primrose hill caters for all kinds of children with disabilities one of which is blind and partialially deaf. because of this they would love it if some of the lover area of the painting can be touchable and have different textures for him and other children to touch.
I was thinking of making some of the characters using felt or fabrics and then wadding them also with different noises etc.
to inkeep with another piece of art that is going on in the school they would like to beable to put a perspects pieces up so childrens work can be displayed about stories they have written or characters they have drawn.

i need to take all this into concideration ... i have to keep them up to date every tuesday for there staff meetings so the staff can input anything they think is missing.

i am still waiting for the exact size and if it is on a board or wall but other then that i am on task for the dead line.