Saturday, 10 January 2009


Well ive been quite busy over the new year sorting out projects and gathering some research. i got a couple of typography books and one of them had a cd with all the font styles in ... its really useful but spent so long trying to organise them but o well its the way it is i guess. the other book has different layouts in and styles.

However i have been doing an external project as well. i have been asked by primrose hill primary school to design a meral for outside the library that will be painted by bupa helth care people. it has to be easy for them to paint ie paint by numbers then i will go in at a later go n paint all the detail into. i have been asked to inclued ethinicly diverce images from the books that the children read in all years. I have been to the student council of the school and they like the initial design and have given there input about what characters they would like to see in the piece also where the schools logo will go n how it will be displayed.

The next issue is if the painting will be straight onto the wall in the school or if it will be on a large pin board which would be preferable because some of the other ideas that have been put forward by members of staff.
Primrose hill caters for all kinds of children with disabilities one of which is blind and partialially deaf. because of this they would love it if some of the lover area of the painting can be touchable and have different textures for him and other children to touch.
I was thinking of making some of the characters using felt or fabrics and then wadding them also with different noises etc.
to inkeep with another piece of art that is going on in the school they would like to beable to put a perspects pieces up so childrens work can be displayed about stories they have written or characters they have drawn.

i need to take all this into concideration ... i have to keep them up to date every tuesday for there staff meetings so the staff can input anything they think is missing.

i am still waiting for the exact size and if it is on a board or wall but other then that i am on task for the dead line.

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