Tuesday, 8 February 2011


This is one of my better pictures. Its a crop of the original image which although it looks enticing when its just half the image it really brings the viewer closer into the image and makes them want to look around and try and see more of the image. I am still looking at layering through my images atm i have only looked at physical layers. I am looking into using makeup and glitter etc to add different depths to my images one i have done this i am going to experiment with recon decon with my images cutting them up and putting them back together on different transparency layers or using tracing paper so you can only see certain areas.

this image is made with the intention to be to separate images that are like a 2 page spread in a magazine inspired by Simon Emmetts work below.

also Philippe Salomon has inspired me with colour use and the idea of different ways to use layers of paint and metal even the lace that i had been using already before i found him

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