Wednesday, 5 January 2011

what next

well over christmas ive been thinking about what and where i want to be after uni and i still dont no.

i do enjoy photography and love photography but i just need some inspiration and its tough at the moment
im thinking of trying to do somert like light or shadow project and then go from there

i dont no whether i should cary on with 3d images, are they going to be interesting enough or my photography is good enough to stand alone or does it need to be edited and added to.

been looking through a few books i got for christmas and they have helped to a certain extent but also made me think why are they classed as being so good when at times they look to simple or out of focus even overly noisey

maybe i am too obsessed with creating a clean crisp image, maybe i should throw that out of the window and just aim to make images that are noisey and out of focus, pick up my slr and enjoy?

this is my clean look and sleek feel
i dont no if i get this from my dad ...


these two i love i took them with my slr and love the old look to them

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