Sunday, 25 April 2010

Ice hands

well i made an ice hand and it took a few attempts to get it out of the latex like it did with the wax.

Saturday, 24 April 2010


this is what i have been up to with the wax models and really love them!! each for there own individuality.

St hilders update

Well after painting the wall white and getting the children to draw their portraits and some flowers, butterflys etc.

after this we came back the week later and started painting in the back ground of the hills sky and a rainbow is to be painted in the middle area. I then started to project up the images the children had drawn and i think they look brill. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks it will be done and the kids will really enjoy it.

Monday, 5 April 2010

some extra layouts


right i have sent my pictures to print and will be putting them up tomorro ooo exciting
got some white tack too
when they are up 100cm x 70cm

still undesided on which layout to do

Sunday, 4 April 2010

more layouts

noise lab layouts

well i have chosen my images and now im just thinking about the layout this is what i have though of so far?