Wednesday, 1 December 2010


these are my two ideas that i am thinking
however i have just been told i am in the link gallery and i was in cavendish on monday ... hopefully i will have space will have to contact helen

i do love the movement in this image though when viewed with the glasses. so still unsure i may use all and see how it goes.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010


i took these images using long exposure and some lights that change colour intermittently

i then merged the other two light images together to get this i think it looks cool and i have also made them all anaglyphic however im sure if they are working as i have lost my glasses ... will be getting some more later today

hopefully april stands out in this image i will update later if it works.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

MRI work

Hi Lauren,

Received your submission, thanks. I have attached an application form
for you. Could you please fill it in and send back to me as soon as you

Your photographs look really good and professional. Are you interested
in emailing it to other departments in the hospital to maybe do some
artwork, unfortunately unpaid, to gain some more experience and
professional projects for your journal and portfolio?

Many Thanks,

So excited that I have been accepted

Sunday, 21 November 2010

anaglyph glasses

well i have miss placed my glasses so i dont no if my images are working or not!
i have found a away of making some using quality street wrappers so i will have a go and see what happens and if they do work i can design my own frames! im thinking old school raybans =)

also been playing about with depth and making some areas of the image 3d and others not hopefully it is working but i cant tell.

not been too well over the last few days very dizzy and bad chest n throat hopefully better in the moring n ready for uni

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

soo what next

now i no how to create the anaglyph images (and spell it woo) what next?
still gonna create the images in the darkroom and see how that goes
possibly print my own neg (when done with an ink jet and then printed it becomes like a pop are piece of work) and see if that will come out and print in the correct colours so it will n 3d

3d glasses needed to view

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

anaglyph images

well most of the day i have been trying to create stereoscopic images and i got some paper that i can draw on and create a floating image.
I then printed onto the image and it didnt look as good.

i then found an app that on my iphone will turn my photos into anaglyph images or 3d ones with the glasses.

after this i was determined to do it my self and well i did wooo just took me a couple of goes and several failures but i got there

So this is the one from the app on my phone and i chose just for chris to stand out

And this is how i FINALY figured out how to make them =)

And a close up of my image which i can now do some more images and get ready for my cross cit may do it all in anaglyph style =)

Monday, 15 November 2010

plan of action

so after my digital pictures from the last blog i am now going to try and do it with traditional methods in the colour dark room! hopefully it will turn out awsome.
going to double or triple expose some negs and also do some jerry uelsmann inspired work

all this was done in the dark room using traditional methods of blurring and burning areas in
apparently when this is done i the colour side the end results can be very interesting.

Friday, 12 November 2010


well i took these images a while ago and thought i would have a go and overlay them and i really like the hand movement in the image with the glass and not really too fussed about the face i think i will see what else i can do with some different images i have got and try and take some more of movement of an object within a confined area

done couple more n really like max (the 3 faces) but busolas legs look good with the movement in them just need some feed back.

really liked the triptic of max soo i have make a couple of april and the lighter one works better however i do feel the image on the right could be a little bit further over to the left

so this is a picture of chris that i took while i was on my walk trip for fi and then a picture i took as well that i quite like and im starting to think that maybe i am better at taking photos of people i am close to. but i guess the only thing i need to consider is how i will take my pictures of people close to me and make them interesting to other people to look at.

Marcel Duchamp

So i remembered after i had done my walk images i then re looked at them and they reminded me of this image
Dude deciding staircase and how it shows movement in a still image.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Richard Billingham
he has been recommended by jon for me to look at to think of ways to document my family


well i have agreed to help fi with a project she wants to create a stop start animation on a journey. so we have to take pictures every 10 steps walking from uni to the wheel in the centre of manchester, we can walk any way we want and we are doing it at different times. I did mine on tuesday and it was oh so very cold. On my way i kinda stalked a couple of people through certain areas and i have merged the images to create a sort of panorama of them moving.

after layering the images i then blurred them like i did with the images of emily and i like the way they seem out of focus and you really have to look at them and they make you feel slightly uneasy.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

stereoscopic images

could be fun

Thursday, 28 October 2010

being more observent

went round town a while ago and just uploaded the images whoops wasnt my camera however i found some really nice areas up ancoats way
and was takin pictures of things i found on the floor or interesting things.

the last images was on of my fav i took could be a good thing to do? follow footprints around town?

also driving through town quite early this moring and it looked soo different rubbish bags everwhere and taxi's too im thinking one moring taking pictures of manchester at night after the lights go out on the clubs could b good

abi n em

well been experimenting with potraits n how if u take pictures of the same person at different angles they look like a different person or give you a different impression .

after looking a this i started to overlay images kinda by accident and this is what i came up with

Monday, 25 October 2010

sound waves

well i have been capturing how i sleep with an app on my iphone and when i look at it it looks like sound waves soo i was wondering if i could hear what my sleep pattern sounds like ... just need to find somert that would read he waves but dunno who to ask will see if anyone can help in uni
and i will have a month of my sleep in a sound how weird?

Sunday, 24 October 2010

plan of action

well i have been ill ... after having my tooth out n a flu jab (smart i no) i have now got an infection in my gum woo soo feeling really quite blah how ever i have been reading a book by gen doy for my dissertation which is good and got a couple of quotes
also been thinking of what i wanna do this year sooo
im thinking portrait of a city looking at the people and the architecture and how both shape each other. i have started some of it off just some simple images around town and just waiting for a day that im not working or itsd not raining ... cannon 7d's n water arent a good mix
also thinking of taking casts of part of Manchester like the cobbles and interesting grids n stuff n possibly printing on them maybe in the dark room with liquid light emulsion could b fun? and transfering images onto different things maybe? picking up lost things and making a map? soo many ideas but i dunno guess just being asked why i wasnt on a photography corse really got to me as yer i do excel at it but it wasnt the reason i came to uni i wanted to learn other things i no how to take a photo i spent 3 years at college doing that with fine art as well ugh.

any way artists i like as of late
hans holbine
anthony van dyke
samuel palmer
rupert alexander (mainly his portrait of the queen)

Friday, 15 October 2010


well i have been trying to fine what i want to do for this essay all summer and ive managed to look into portraiture but its still VAST! im thinking royal portraiture or the stature behind the portrait
i have looked at the National Portrait gallery book and really liked some of the portraiture in there however i also like Vanity Fair Portraits - century of iconic images some of the images in there are stunning one of then looks like it was a classic painting the set up and the colours within the image is similar to Caravaggio however its a photo.
Been trying to read Hanging the Head by Marcia Pointon how ever i am finding it really hard to remember what im reading, some books i can read and get on with it really well but this one is not going too well i have another 2 books on order from the library one from Crew and the other is being returned in the next few days hopefully one of these i can get some real inspiration.
I have also been watching British Art programs and one was about royal portraiture and what some of the paintings meant and why they were done and it was fascinating how ornate some were and yet modern portraits of the royals are so simple and portray a different perspective on royal life.
Hans Holbine - paintings of Henry VIII -
They are domineering and powerful and showed off how his personality was all he needed along with his stocky build to rule the nation as he was never painted with his regency crown etc compared to other kings -

Charles 1st who due to his small stature was painted upon horse back to give him power. it was anthony van dyck who painted him. -

Yet if u look at nicky phillips's double portrait of the royal brothers it is simple but has so much emotion and power behind it.

a good quote

Irazmus to Hans Holbine, " how the painter must capture not only the appearance of the sitter but also his character even his soul."

Monday, 21 June 2010


Daniel Butt 21 June at 09:51
Miss Colbeck,

Somewhat random request, but, how are you strapped for time? Im starting a writing project based on the lives of the homeless, juswt a blog for now but would like to get it bulky enough to send to publishers, and was wonderign if you would like to handle photography duties, nothing major, just face hunting/the sartorialist style street shots ( Check it out let me know what you thnk/if you have the time etc etc, it'll prob be like one half day every couple of weks or something pending how it goes, but uhm, yeah, could be a fun project but one with heart (I like to think). Cool. Hope your well


The Sartorialist
This is easily one of the best Prada men's collections I've seen in a while. Gone are the sometimes over-the-top design details replaced by a very desirable collection based on color and proportion.I think ...

hope fully will b good also sent an email to the photo lounge who are looking for female photographers oOo

Sunday, 16 May 2010


for the past few weeks i have been baking a lot again and really enjoying it
these are my fav recipe's
ones from old cook books from nigella and some from class mates
i like editing some of the recipes to make them my own so the flapjacks i just us half golden syrup half maple syrup and add vanilla extract.
also the oat biscuits i added sultanas and cinnamon it was amazing because i then used half the amount of sugar n the rest of splenda for my grandad who needs low sugar and fat etc
really enjoying it so i just wanted to keep these recipes somewhere safe and where i can get them where ever i am

st hilda's

well its going well there are little issues i am having such as having to initial each piece with the children's initials but its what she wants so will have to just deal with it. Also the kids painting them selfs is slowing us down as some decide they dont want to paint themselfs the correct colour mainly eden who is a little black girl decided to paint her self bright pink all over! so that was different everyone else seemed to be ok though

Sunday, 9 May 2010

resin hand and new wax one

took a while for the resin hand to dry and still isnt perfect but looks good so i think i will do a couple more but still love the wax hands so will see what the class thinks on monday

Sunday, 2 May 2010


did another hand in wax today but the fingers broke off so i kind put them back together but it doesnt look to good so may re use the wax and do another one with the wax, i am also in the process if makeing a resin fist hope it works